
Friday, March 29, 2013

Appropriate Bahavior Case

Appropriate Behavior Expectations Case Study

ECE 201

Professor: Sandra Harley

April 18, 2012

Working with children is a very rewarding job, however it is challenging as well. at that place ar many expectations that are appropriate behavior in the schoolroom and as teachers we can hope that these behaviors be carried come forth when the child is removed of school as well. Establishing norms and expectations in a sieveroom is a very complex, and long term task.
What is an telling classroom? Well in my opinion each psyche will have his or her own opinion round that answer. I believe an effective classroom is when things transition from ane routine to the other smoothly with no disruption. An effective classroom needs rules and organization, in order for the classroom to be successful. Rules are statements of a teachers expectation for each students behavior in the classroom. A teacher needs certain expectations; (specific behaviors or outcomes) in order for the classroom to drop dead smoothly.
Three expectations, for appropriate classroom behavior are:
1. elevation your hand.
a. This is an expectation most teachers have, since raising your hand when you need to conversation allows for less distraction and more control of the classroom. If all the children go down to talk at the same time it would create chaos.

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2. Arriving to class on time
a. This is an expectation, since this also allows the teacher control of the classroom. If all children represented up to class whenever they chose the teacher would have to constantly stop precept to help the other children put items away or show them where they are to go in the class.
3. Implementing classroom rules
a. This is an expectation, since children need to correspond to follow rules, in the classrooms as well as outside the classroom. Teachers who spend less time discipline the children due to need of rules spend less time teaching and interacting with the students.
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