
Wednesday, March 27, 2013


In the 1800s African American were treated unfairly. They did not guide any rights. The people that were treating them this counseling were the Whit League and the Ku Klux Klan. The catamenia after the civil war is known as reconstruction of the south. The labor union came back together under one chairman Abraham Lincoln. Congress came together and made up a envision to bring everyone together. They started by giving rights and ending thralldom. The 13th, 14th, and 15th amendments were abortive in giving African Americans the basic rights.

Outlaw thraldom in the United States. Only have involuntary military service if convicted of a crime. African Americans are citizens. National rights and equal tri simplye from the law. They have the right to vote regardless of race or color. According to Document D: Black Codes the purpose of the caustic codes was so that they dont have any rights to do anything unless they were told to do so. If they disobey they shall suffer imprisonment and two old age of work on the public streets, or pay a fine. Document C also shows the White league and the Ku Klux Klan retention up a sign saying worse than slavery

African Americans are tired of being treated this way they dont call for themselves nor their children to grow up in this type of life style.

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But the whites dont administer they only care about themselves. In Document B Mrs. Baker was kind and tended to the children when they were sick, and she cared about her slaves she didnt want the union soldiers to take them away. She was being selfish she wanted to hold on to her slaves so they could do the work so she took them to Texas.

Some slaves were free, but some of the slave owners would not let them go. They question in that respect where about, ask them who they belong to, where they are going and who is there masters. (Document E Henry Adams statement) that a man was walking and he met quaternity white men, one of them stopped him and asked who he belonged to, he tell no one, so the two men struck him and...If you want to get a full essay, order it on our website: Orderessay

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