
Thursday, March 28, 2013

Nuclear Weapons

Connor Kerkezian

Mr. Digiosio

U.S. History Since 45
4 November 2010
A Necessary Advancement
There argon very fewer inventions in human history that change the entire world and the lives of everyone on it. Inventions like written language, the flap both made by the ancient Sumerians, gunpowder invented by the Chinese, the mastery of electricity by Thomas Edison, and the personal calculator in the late 20th century. These are called game changers, Inventions that all in all change the lives of people on a global scale. cardinal of these is the ability to harness the previously untapped power of the build block of the universe, the atom. This power was focuse into the form of a pelt. This neglect would define life for everyone on the earth for the nearly the attached 60 years. Although people feared the power of the nuclear bomb and subsequent the hydrogen bomb it was a necessary step in the advancement of the scientific understanding of the universe.
The main catalyst for the edifice of the atomic bomb is a letter written to chair Franklin D. Roosevelt by the famous physicist Albert whizz (1). Einstein wrote this letter afterwards learning of the work of Austrian physicist L. Szilard on nuclear fission. Einstein knew the power of nuclear fission and was fearful it would be used as a weapon.

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Einstein was scared that the German Nazis would overhear nuclear weapons beforehand the United States did. Einstein was fearful of the bomb and was part of a movement of scientist wanting the bomb not to be used and later for it to demonstrated to the Japanese before it was used in war.
J. Robert Oppenheimer was the lead scientist directing the development of the atomic bomb. He knew the political power that the bomb would have perchance better than anyone it was evident in this quote from 1962 when discussing his thoughts during the first detonation of an atomic bomb during the Trinity test We knew the world would not be the same. A few people laughed, a few people cried. Most people...If you want to get a adept essay, order it on our website: Orderessay

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