
Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Comparison of Genesis 1-2 and Enuma Elish

I found a few similarities between Genesis 1-2 and The Enuma Elish Stories. In Genesis 1-2, it spoke of six day settles of creation, followed by cardinal days rest. In Enuma Elish, it spoke of 6 generations of gods followed by a divine rest. Both of those seem to mean almost the alike(p) to me. They both use the word Lord and genesis 1-2 uses beau ideal and Enuma Elish uses gods. They both also talk about their creators, dry bestow and the seas, and both begin with light and end with humankind. Also in the Enuma Elish, it says Marduk assigns the members of the divine assembly as constellations to mark each anneal of the year. He assigns the moon to guard the night and to mark the calendar month with its phases(pg16) and in Genesis 1-2 perfection said Let in that respect be lights in the expanse of the sky to separate day from night; they shall serve as signs for the set times-the days and the eld; and they serve as lights in the expanse of the sky to hit upon the earth.pg13 They both also say that there is light 2 lights, to separate days and nights meaning the day has the greater light which is sun and the night has stars, a lesser light.

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They differ because in Genesis 1-2, it reads man being formed from the dirt where the Enuma Elisha stories show the aborigine formed from the spilled blood of Kingu. I dont find whatever similarities in that what so ever. In the Enuma Elish stories, it explains that one man was created, undermentioned a stronger man was created, and every man after that was thus far stronger than the one before. In Genesis 1-2, the All Powerful God created a man from dust, brought life through his nostrils...

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