
Monday, April 1, 2013

Driving Age

A majority of people in society, especially enhances sustain that the campaign age should be raised to 18, not wholly for the safety of their child but for the safety of others as well.The driving age should be raised to eigh teenaged. It should be this way to downplay the chances of silly accidents, the teens will me more mature, and there will be less fatal teen crashes.
Waiting until the age of eighteen to drive would give teens more experience with a p atomic number 18nt or instructor. If teens stopped texting, changing the radio station, or talk of the town with friends the chances for an accident would go down. When teenagers are messing with cell phones, ipods, and food in the car it distracts them from the most important task, salarying attention and staying on the road. Backing up is also tricky. If the teenagers do not pay attention to the front and the back of the vehicle, they will most potential hit either end or both.
When a teen turns eighteen they will be more mature than they were when they were sixteen. When teens are eighteen some of them will be out of mellowed school and there will not be as much peer pressure as there is in high school. When teens are sixteen, they list to be more intoxicating with their driving. They are also less likely to wear seatbelts because they do not bet about it or they think it looks un-cool.

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Boys think they are cool and like to speed and race on the road. They also like to tailgate if the other people on the road are not going ten miles everywhere the speed limit like they are. Girls on the other bargain are calmer with their driving but can be only when as bad as the boys.
Less fatal teen crashes could be possible if teens had that extra two years of practice. Teenagers tend to take more risks while driving such as, rivulet red lights, failing to yield for pedestrians, violating traffic signs, making outlaw(prenominal) turns and passing illegally. Teens feel like this is okay because they are everywhere confident that nothing will happen to them. Driving chthonic the influence...If you want to get a full essay, order it on our website: Orderessay

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