
Monday, April 1, 2013

Juvenile Crime Causation And Diversion

Juvenile Crime Causation and Diversion
The reasons behind juvenile person shame argon varied. The ideological schools of thought as to why juveniles hope depot and even dotty crimes postulate many opposite motivations. Classical, biological, and psychological argon the classifications of these theories. Diversion and delinquency prevention programs are designed to do just what they say. These programs prevent or different delinquent behaviors.
Here, this student intends to examine juvenile crime causation. A brief summery of some of the theories of delinquency will be explored. In addition, this student will discuss some of the juvenile diversion programs that exist in the state of Michigan.
Status and tempestuous Offences
A juvenile status offense is conduct that is scarce unlawful when committed by a child. The minority status itself allows children to be the subject of a status offense and later to the jurisdiction of the juvenile court. Some status offences include intoxicant and tobacco consumption, truancy, truancy, and being generally incorrigible (Champion, 2007). Many of these offences are malum prohibitum or wrong because law prohibits them (Merriam-Websters Dictionary of Law, 1996).
A violent juvenile offender has been found guilty of a Part I offense.

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The distinction between a violent offender and that of a proficient offender is that violent offences are against people rather than things. Part I offenses are comprised of non-homogeneous violent crimes. These crimes are murder, non-negligent manslaughter, rape, robbery, aggravated assault, burglary, larceny, arson, and motor vehicle theft. The term violent offender applies to these youths because they have committed one or more of these specific crimes. However, they may also be considered serious or chronic offenders as well. Most of these offences are considered malum in se or because they are inherently wrong (Merriam-Websters Dictionary of Law, 1996).
Crime Causation
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