
Tuesday, April 2, 2013


Samantha RiceRice1

Mrs. Kratzer

English 1010

1 December 2011

People neer realize the importance of melody in wizards life. Music not only pleases onenesss senses, it excessively influences ones mood, emotion, ability to learn, and imagination. Depending on the genre of music one listens to depends on their behavior, mood, and emotions.
One who listens to much violent and take down music such as rap, heavy metal, and screamo; whitethorn bleed to have a rather harsh behavior. The individual may also have a history of violence, and may also end up in prison. This statement does not include all individuals; it just includes those who are involved. One who listens to more equanimity music such as classical music; may tend to be more intellectual, and rather relaxed. It also is shown to impose crime rates (How Classical Music Can pore Crime). One who listens to country music may have the disposition to be more rowdy and red neck like. And one who listens to classic rock may tend to be more experimental towards the drug subjects than those who listen to classical music.
Music is a past time, a hobby, and a passion. The claim that music send packing influence a somebodys mood makes gross(a) sense. Music can actually affect a persons behavior and mood.

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It can influence, for example, the length of time that one chooses to spend in a mall. Stores that target older shoppers major power play elevator type music at a lower volume, while stores that target a younger mount group look for more upbeat music play at a higher volume. This can then call down the shoppers to spend more money in that store.

If music didnt affect a persons mood, then quite a little would play the same music in every store, or none at all. Experiments conducted in the 1980s found that in both supermarkets and restaurants, slower music creates slower traffic flow, which operator that people shop for longer in the supermarket (Copley Jennifer; Music psychological science & Behavior, 8 May 2008). Another relation of music to a...If you hope to get a full essay, order it on our website: Orderessay

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