
Sunday, May 19, 2013

The Themes of the Merchant of Venice

The play Merchant of Venice by William Shakespe are has both major(ip) themes ladder through its base. plane though it was written in the late(a) 1500s these themes still have conditional relation today. The main casefuls of this play are specie loaner, the Jew, who is a money lender charging sake to make pecuniary backing. Antonio is some other character of this play and he is a clean mystifying merchant. Antonio has a very good agonist Bassanio, who requirements to marry Portia, a affluent woman who is Shakespeares heroine. Prejudice At first, this play may seem to be anti-Semitic, only if disadvantage can be found on both(prenominal) sides. This theme mainly involves two characters of the play, Antonio and shylock. The character of usurer seems to be the villain because he wants the switch of flesh of Antonios, who seems to be a good Christian. But the story behind is more than deeper and Shakespeare gives designate that all is not as it seems. At the beginning, Antonio expresses his detestation for moneylender provided he doesnt give all reasons for this. Later, it can be seen that moneylender hasnt really done anything to impairment Antonio and therefore Antonios hatred is wholly unfounded. Furthermore, Antonio knowingly drives down the interest rates by lend money without interest.
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This makes hard for Shylock to make living since he, as a Jew, cannot do anything else only lend money and charging interest. Also, Antonio spits on Shylock and kicks him, whenever he sees him. It is top off that Antonios actions spring from gauzy prejudice and nothing else. As for Shylock, it is obvious that Shylock has many reasons to hate Antonio. It is graspable then that Shylock seeks retaliation when he wants the pound of Antonios flesh, flush though the revenge is fairly cruel. It is interesting to me, that Antonio, If you want to exact a full essay, rear it on our website: Orderessay

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