
Monday, October 21, 2013

Mandatory Drug Testing to Qualify for Welfare

Angie Franco English 101 Argumentative Research Essay kinfolk 24, 2012 Mandatory drug Testing to Qualify for Welf be many a(prenominal) a oeuvreing citizen has encountered the ill-famed wiz test fore or immediately after(prenominal) being hired for a job. just about bulk do non think twice about submitting to the test, it has release such a basic and common part of the masking flockle for a wide range of job positions. Positions that do non bear degrees, special vocational certifications or training, or level(p) high prepare diplomas in some cases, are instantly requiring a drug test. This then brings about the hotly debated write out of whether or not compulsory drug testing before receiving welfare, or federal aid, is unconstitutional and violates civil liberties of the American citizen. As citizens who work for their income and make the sacrifices involved in maintaining employment, it angers many that the people who are living off taxpayers dollars ar e not subjected to the aforesaid(prenominal) requirements they must fulfill to earn their income. For others, it is seen as a major(ip) violation of their privacy and their civil rights, as tumefy as humiliating. Linda Katz, the policy director at Poverty demonstrate at Rhode Island College, says This is re exclusivelyy just designed to demean parents on welfare. (Greenblatt).
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The two sides of this hot-topic can turn friends into foes almost instantaneously. What many constituents crack to call back is that responsibility for ones actions lies within ourselves; therefore, we cannot foresee all of our rights to always remain intact if we do not film accountability for our actions a nd if we do not push to be held at increasin! gly higher ethical and moral standards. The plan of mandatory drug testing before being deemed in bloodline to receive government assistance goes consider in hand with the rest of the application process and meeting all requirements completely. If consciousness who is in dire need and really needs gird service fascinateting back on their feet temporarily, applies for government...If you want to get a full essay, order it on our website: OrderEssay.net

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