
Monday, November 4, 2013


America s Postwar DivideThe end of the polished War brought opportunities and disadvantages for some(prenominal) Americans depending on one s race , ethnicity and abilities Chapters seventeen through cardinal of The American Nation explains the changes which occurred in American gild rear complaisant war due to industrialism . The following essay examines the barriers created by an inefficient government ca utilize discrimination of the poor in the mid-to-late 1800sSevere discrimination of minorities and the poor led to a corrupt American government working only to benefit themselves and important sop suffragers . sexual congress used bribery to fix their pecuniary take were met while those of American citizens were ignored . Many tactical manoeuvre were uses to ensure Congress remained Republican , such as criticizin g Democrats as rebels and using the bloody shirt as a monitoring device of the abandon and untrusting nature of Democrats during the Civil War (449Many Americans were wary of Congress , and with good reason . An example of such discredit was seen in Americans desire for American currency to be changed from opulent screen to bullion because they feared government would print as some(prenominal) money as necessary to cover an increase or reduce in taxes (450Civil service improve was a interrelate during the commit Civil War era entirely the barriers were huge (450 . in that location were many factors contributing to the need for civic service reform . There was a long angle of ineffective presidents and the hiring of outright lieutenants by politicians because of their involvement in the Civil War . In to keep their congressional status , politicians needful loyal employees and by celebrating America s patriots , they were adding on votes to ensure their victory . As the reservoir wrote in The American Na! tion buy at was the lifeblood of politics (451 basically politicians bribed soldiers with high paying jobs and preferential word in fork out for their votes . Reformers wanted nonpartisan pro civil service and some(prenominal) democratic and republican politicians made a mockery of them (451Although the reconstruction era looked promising for America s blackamoor men and women , it speedily became a failure . Minorities were treated very(prenominal) poorly postwar . One ineffective president , chairwoman Hayes , could make made a difference in the lives of black Americans , but when President Hayes realized his hopes were unreal , he did non pursue the problem further (451 .
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P oll taxes created an economic barrier to blacks an poor fairs and the Fifth Amendment was not upheld for blacks (451 . The literacy tests for the right to vote were chisel for illiterate snow-covereds and not for illiterate blacks giving white votes the volume . Because blacks were treated as stupid and inferior , white honor makers felt it was okay to restrict their rightsRather than improving American society by addressing equal rights and liberties , congress spent their period make sure the rich and the white succeeded by constrictive the rights of others who could accept in the carriage The Civil Rights Cases (1883 ) and Plessy v . Ferguson (1896 ) gave way to legalized requisition laws in schools , prisons , hospitals and anywhere... ! Not the Youre looking for? Get a use of goods and services essay (only for $12.99 )If you want to get a full essay, set out it on our website: OrderEssay.net

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