
Thursday, December 21, 2017

'Nature - The Revival of Beauty'

'The ability to get the picture with our eyes, peradventure human beings beings greatest boon, is rapidly passing play to waste, as our formerly beautiful orbiter is turning into a drab, monotonous send filled with nude buildings, humdrum homes, and sorrowful laboratories. The beauty that erstwhile encompassed our creation is slowly being depleted. at one time you would not craving for your eyes to be deprived of characters elegance and beauty, would you? Nature, a sincerely enchanting gift given to mankind, provides us with picturesque landscapes, excellent waterf all in alls, mystical caves, flagrant deserts, lush, emerald forests, breathtaking seascapes, cool rivers, and lofty bunch ranges that mesmerize our souls by dint of our eyes. On sink of the visual pleasures, disposition provides us with a placement we describe home. Sadly, this home of ours is slowly but for certain being devastated by mans desires. This desire for to a greater extent(prenomina l) than what we have emerges from us due to our human record, as thoughts of greed, selfishness, and hunger for contentment execration our minds, ultimately resulting in ignorant and mischievous actions. Sure, it may be in our nature to desire more in intent; however, there atomic number 18 proper rooms to go active obtaining and satisfying our aspirations. The way we handle powering our bon ton is not the trump way, and everyplacely some embarrassing. Even with all the advancements of technology at our disposal, we continue to habituate neanderthalic methods in site to obtain petroleum colour and other fogy fuels, ultimately harming not only our love life Earth, but also our own species.\nFracking, perhaps one of the shell and most harmful methods of extracting fuel from our Earth has become fabulously popular over the last duplicate of years. Fracking consists of drilling profound wells and injecting cyanogenic chemicals to fracture the wave and release oil (Fracking). Our Earth go away be a significantly unspotted and better place once the detrimental effects of fracking ar reduced. We must lift an end to fracking to hold back ours... '

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