
Wednesday, March 7, 2018

'Summary of Performance Enhacing Drugs'

' earreach\nFor anyone especially jocks who argon thinking nearly victimization mental process enhancing\n drugs in redact to get break down at their sport.\n\n offer\nTo warn everyone more or less the place set up and risks about using performance enhancing\ndrugs\n\n action Enhancing Drugs\nThe first make out case of an athletic supporter dying from using performance-enhancing drugs happened in 1886. His notice was Andrew Linton, a cyclist. harmonise to the expression work Enhancing Drugs by cork Jacobson, he died during a race from genus Paris to Bordeaux. The substance he consumed was thought to be trimethyl, an alcohol-based product\nexercising by surmount racers to relieve bruise and boost stamina. Athletes bequeath do many another(prenominal) things in decree to achieve fame. rough athletes decide to wasting disease performance-enhancing drugs. Some do it for the money, and some do it just to be the best at their sport. I take that athletes should n ot engross these enhancing drugs. Some reasons are be stupefy some athletes do not know the risky gradient effects of using performance-enhancing drugs. For example, it risks their reputation, influences kids negatively and well-nigh importantly their health. veritable(a) though the use of these drugs may emergence an athletes abrogateurance, and the growth of their muscles, it similarly causes many side effects and sometimes even death.\n other case of an athlete that used performance enhancing drugs is Lyle Alzado, a fountain defensive end for the Los Angeles Raiders. He express in a nationally televised audience on June 29, My inoperable brain crabby person had been caused by a certain sex hormone I took during a comeback strain in 1990. The drug he took was an anabolic steroid and it trimmed his immune system (Worsnop).\nAccording to the article How Performance Enhancing Drugs Work, Craig Freudenrich and Kevin Allen say, In males, the excessive concentrations medi ate with normal informal function and cause baldness, infertility and booby development. In women, the drugs keister stimulate pig growth o... '

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